10 Aloe Vera Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin
![Aloe vera beauty tips](https://www.tasiahub.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/aloe-vera-beauty-tips.jpg)
Aloe vera is a popular household plant used for beautification and whatnot but do you know what this aloe vera plant can do for your skin? You are about to find out in this post.
Regular use of aloe vera on the skin moisturizes the skin and can help treat some skin issues like eczema, ringworm, sunburn, cuts, and acne, aloe vera also contains a healing property for the skin, read on to find out more about the uses and benefits of aloe vera on the skin.
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Aloe Vera gel is rich in vitamins A, C, E and B12. You can aloe Vera gel directly from the plant or buy a store aloe vera gel but make sure its only ingredient is aloe vera, personally, I use the gel from the plant, and with that, I’m sure of what I’m using.
8 Benefits Of Aloe Vera On The Face
- It moisturizes and hydrates the skin since it contains 98% water just like the cucumber.
- It can speed up wound healing time and reduce the appearance of scars.
- It’s effective in treating fungal and bacterial infections.
- It helps soothe rashes and sunburn.
- It protects the skin from the damaging effects of radiation therapy.
- It aids with the production of collagen.
- It has anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce pain and soreness of injuries.
- It can slow down the aging process of the skin.
10 Aloe Vera Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin
For Sunburn
Make an aloe vera ice cube or apply chilled aloe vera gel on the area 2 – 3 times a day, keep applying until your skin improves and the inflammation is reduced.
Alternatively, mix 1 cup of water with 1 part aloe vera to make a spray, spray this mixture on your face while avoiding your eyes.
Aloe Vera Is A Great Moisturizer
Because of its water content, aloe vera gel can be a great moisturizer for all skin types but I must warn you, aloe vera can be very itchy on the skin, at least on my skin.
I used the gel from the aloe vera plant (I don’t trust the company-manufactured ones) on my face at night and I felt little stings on my neck until the gel dried up but when I applied it again in the morning after washing up, the itch was unbearable on my face and neck and I had to wash it off.
I love aloe vera though because of its numerous skin benefits and did I forget to mention my skin was smooth that morning? Yeah, I noticed my skin was so smooth compared to the previous day but I’m not sure if it’s that way because I left the aloe vera gel on my face overnight or because I exfoliated before applying the gel.
But regardless, if aloe vera was a human I would call it a ‘smooth talker, it is the bomb guys, try applying aloe vera gel as a moisturizer in the AM and PM for seven days and you will see the difference.
It works for acne and acne scars, inflammation, pimples, dark spots, eczema, dehydration, etc.
It Combats Aging
As you age your skin produces wrinkles, smile lines, and saggy skin, aloe vera helps to combat this issue as it strengthens your skin and slows down the signs of aging.
Helps With Dark Circles
You know that unpleasant dark circle you get under your eyes when you don’t get enough sleep? Yeah, that’s the one, aloe vera helps to clear out those dark circles.
Aloe Vera is packed with vitamin E and antioxidants which will help lighten the dark areas under the eyes and its cooling effect will help reduce the puffiness in that area as well, now there’s no need to worry more about those dark circles, just apply pure aloe vera gel on the area overnight until you see improves.
Can Serve As A Skin Toner
If you don’t have a toner handy for your skincare routine steps, you can make one for yourself with aloe vera in the comfort of your home.
Simply mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with a small amount of water, shake well, and store in a refrigerator with an air-tight container. When you are ready to use, shake the mixture well and apply on the face using a ball of cotton wool.
A Great Exfoliating Agent
Mixing a considerable size of aloe vera gel into your scrub with help exfoliate your skin without stripping your skin of its natural oil and restoring moisture. to the skin which will make your skin soft and glowing.
Mixing aloe vera into your scrub is a great way of eliminating dead skin cells and balancing the skin’s pH level.
It Treats Acne And Scars
When used over time, aloe vera gel helps to treat acne and remove ugly scars, to achieve this, you have to mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 3 drops of lemon (if your skin can stand lemon but if not try citric acid or apple cider vinegar) store the mixture in a tight jar and keep in the refrigerator.
Apply the mixture to the acne or scar area twice or once a day after a gentle cleansing.
Soothes Cracked Heels
Remember what I said about aloe vera being a moisturizer? Well, it’s not just for the face, aloe vera helps to soothe and moisturize cracked and dry feet.
Apply a generous amount of aloe vera gel on the affected feet and massage until the gel is fully absorbed into your skin, after that, put on socks, during the winter, mix aloe vera gel with your foot cream or petroleum jelly for a never-ending soft feet.
Hair Treatment
Aloe Vera gel can be a good moisturizer for your hair, it can be gentle on your hair but still very effective and easy to wash out, aloe vera contains proteolytic acid which helps in repairing a damaged scalp.
If your hair feels dry and brittle, just spread aloe vera gel big enough to cover your hair strands, cover your hair with a shower cap, and wash off after 30 minutes.
Aloe Vera gel can also be used in controlling that stubborn dandruff on your hair because of its antifungal and antiviral properties, massage a good amount of aloe vera gel on your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes before washing it off, you can few drops of tea tree oil to your aloe vera gel to combat serious dandruff issues.
Overnight Skin Glow
If you rarely have time to complete or even do any of your skincare routine steps, applying aloe vera on your face overnight can still give you the same result you expect from using all those skincare products. Now I’m not saying don’t bother to exfoliate or moisturize but for a very busy person, applying aloe vera on your skin overnight might just keep your skin glowing.
Aloe vera is a non-greasy and gentle plant so it can be used by all skin types including acne-prone skin unless you’re allergic to it. Apply aloe vera gel on your face and neck overnight and wake up to soft and beautiful skin.